Cyber Amalgam: a blog, something about cyber security.

  • Cyber Amalgam

    Welcome to my cyber amalgam.

  • Hack The Box – Precious

    Hack the box is an easy box that has been alive 70 days from this posting. With a point score of 20, Could be more if I get the system own (Get root and get flag) Initial Enumeration The first thing we need to do is enumerate this system after connecting. nmap switches: -sC: equivalent…

  • Hack The Box – Stocker

    Stocker is an HTB box that has been out 18 days since the time of posting. This is classed as a beginner box and has a point score of 20. Initial Enumeration The first thing we need to do is enumerate this system after connecting. nmap switches: -sC: equivalent to –script=default -sV: Probe open ports…

  • TBD